Monday, December 13, 2010

Macroprolactinemia no to be confused with macroprolactinoma Part 2

Ok, still not finding much or having much time to look into this, but my fellow tumor friend Erika found these case studies that are interesting so I thought I would share...

So, from what I understand, macroprolactinemia is a production of "anti-prolactin" in response to the over production of prolactin.  The body does this to naturally combat high prolactin.   Not everyone that has high prolactin has macroprolactinemia unfortunately, but it is something that you can be tested for and hope for!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hypomenorrhea and Shortened luteal phase

So, this may be another one of those you can skip over if you don't want to know about my monthly cycle....ha!  Anyway, here it goes. I will try to make it as scientific as possible but add links in case you are interested in what I am saying...Just trying to not make it too detailed so people don't gross out! ha ha! Ok, so I've been charting my cycle and so far I've decided I suffer from hypomenorrhea and Shortened luteal phase.  I know this is just from having high prolactin levels and I think it will normalize over the next couple of months.  I'm pretty sure that my progesterone is low as well as my estrogen.  It makes sense.  It also explains the miscarriage I had before Tux.  I want another baby NOW sooooo bad, but I would rather have it take longer to get pregnant and be able to stay pregnant than to get pregnant super fast and lose the baby.  The miscarriage was extremely devastating to me and I NEVER want to repeat how I felt during that time and the months following!

So, to help with the natural production of progesterone I have altered my regime.  I am adding 1-2 drops of Oregano and Thyme on my feet morning and night.  A few drops of Geranium over my adrenal glands and liver morning and night.  (Link to why Oregano, Thyme and Geranium)  I'm on a vitamin that had vitamin B6, but i am going to take an additional 50-200 mg. of vitamin B6.  I am waiting for the Thyme and Geranium to get here...I am soooooo anxious to get going on this new regime so I can hold my own little one in my arms :)  Most of my sister in laws (5 out of 6) are currently pregnant or recently had a baby so I am super baby hungry and a little green with jealousy.  I am truly happy for them, but I can't wait for another one of my own!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Frankincense Webinar

So, Dr. Hill just did an amazing webinar on Frankincense last night and I have to share it! I'm sorry that I've been posting so many webinars, but I've been so busy and these webinars are AWESOME! Anyway, I promise I will write a real blog really soon, but here is the webinar :)

To see more webinars click HERE!


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