Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hormones and Essential Oils

Ok, the following is a webinar that was monumental in helping me understand where all of my problems started!  I mentioned this webinar back in April and I can't believe it's taken me so long to post!  I had some questions about hormones this last weekend while teaching some oil classes and I refered several people to this very webinar.  It talks a lot about menopause, but almost anyone that has hormone problems have symptoms of menopause and it is often cause by the same hormonal fluxes.  So, I am posting the first and second part of these hormone webinars....enjoy and happy learning!  Even if you are not interested at all in the oil/supplement parts of these webinar, the information included in the webinars on hormones are invaluable!!!!

Hormones and Essential Oils Part 1

Hormones and Essential Oils Part 2

Monday, November 15, 2010

I have a new regime!

My regime changes quite often as I find new things that work better for me, as my tumor shrinks or when I quit nursing, or when I (hopefully) get pregnant again!

I have now started to cycle so I am dropping Basil (finally...I hated that stuff, not fun to burp it up all day!!!)  Hopefully the Clary Sage kicks in full force soon!  I have also started taking some vitamins for Pre-Natal care...These vitamins are awesome though and have helped me in dozens of ways so far (energy, soreness, neck incapacity, stress reduction)!  I can't wait for my hopeful future baby to start soaking in them as well :)

Frankincense (antitumor):  2-3 drops internally (under my tongue) 3-4  times a day. Rub it on my forehead and onto my feet a couple times a day.

Balance Blend (balancing hormones and anxiety): Rub on my feet before I go to bed at night.

Clary Sage (treats infertility)Take 3-4 drops in a capsule day and night.

Every week I will be taking a different oil that will help keep me from plateauing with my levels and tumor.  They are:

Wild OrangeCloveLavenderSandlewoodPatchouli, and grapefruit.  I will write about each as I start taking them.

Life Long Vitality Pack (Vitamins):  I take these as recommended on the package.

As needed:

Citrus Bliss Blend (Stress/anxiety reducer) or Whisper Blend (Stress/anxiety reducer plus hormone balancer):  Diffuse several times a day or wear it where I can smell it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Macroprolactinemia no to be confused with macroprolactinoma

I received an very interesting and informative email the other day from my tumor friend Erika :)  I asked her if I could post it because I thought it was fascinating and I think EVERYONE should be aware of this...I have edited her email a little (with her permission) just to take out some of the personal stuff.  Here it is:

"I wanted to let you know about some really, really interesting info I found out from my endocrinologist at last night's appointment. (If you already know this info, stop reading at any point! It was completely new to me and I don't remember reading about it on your blog anywhere, so I have a feeling it may be new to you too).
My doctor is having me tested for Macroprolactinemia, which sounds so similar to "macroprolactinoma" but is very different. Basically, it means that some people have raised prolactin due to a tumor, let's say, and so they will test positive on prolactin tests. However, someone with macroprolactinemia also has an enzyme naturally present in their blood which acts as an antibody against the prolactin. It's kind of like how your immune system defends against illness - macroprolactinemia defends against prolactin's negative side effects. Apparently the test for macroprolactinemia has been used in tests for years but it's only been available to the public more recently (not sure exactly how long). Once this is confirmed in a person, it means that future MRIs and observation aren't really needed because the prolactin is balanced out by the macroprolacinemia, naturally. Some reports showed that of people with high prolactin tests, 22% also have macroprolactinemia, and now doctors are saying more people should be tested for this. I can't believe I hadn't heard of it until last night!"
Has anyone else heard of this and does anyone know where to find info on it?  I've done some basic googling but have yet to find out much.  I'm still looking into it and will post more when I know more!  Please share if you can!

Monday, November 8, 2010

This may be Too Much Info(TMI)...so if you are afraid of the word PERIOD (not . ) you ought to skip this one

Wow, that was a long title, but I though the guys out there should be warned (and maybe some of the girls too).  I figure that most of you know quite a bit about me, so why not just spill some more....so here we go.  So, as you all know, I have been anxiously awaiting "Aunt Flo" or as my mom calls it "George".  Anyway, she came!  So, her goes my timeline and my anxieties and my thoughts....feedback is encouraged!

I went off cabergoline almost a month ago and was sorta bummed that my period hadn't shown up.  So, i had heard from one of my friends that my body probably needed a good cleanse followed my a good probiotic.  So, I went ahead and started a cleanse called GX assist that I got from doTERRA.  It's basically a natural antibiotic made from essential oils that gave my innards a good scrub.  Two days later I STARTED OVULATING!!!  It was amazing!!!( After the GX assist I did use PB assist which ith is a probiotic that replenishes the good stuff.) Needless to say, I was tickled.  Then less then a week later came Aunt Flo.  (This was about a week ago).  Isn't it supposed to take longer????  It's been years since I cycled, but I thought it should take about 2 weeks...right?  Anyway, I got super anxious and worried that maybe something else is wrong with me....maybe a progesterone deficiency???  So, once I was done feeling happy/worried/anxious/thinking worst case scenarios I thought back on the timeline and decided that if the cleanse is what jump started me then I am probably just fine.  I really think that my cycle started due to the cleanse and NOT due to a build up in estrogen.  Therefore, I would not have as much progesterone in my system and my period would start much sooner than normal.  Does this make sense to anyone but me or am I just making stuff up to make myself feel better???   Any thoughts???

So, I don't want anyone to think I am complaining because I am not....I am SUPER EXCITED to be "fertile" again and I hope that baby # 2 is in the near future.....wish me luck :)


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