Monday, February 21, 2011

Tumor Tip :) Calcium

Make sure you are getting enough calcium.  Did you know that those of us with prolactinoma have a much higher risk of osteoporosis?  Heightened levels of prolactin disrupt our monthly cycle by lowering progesterone and estrogen and may cause our periods to come less frequently of stop the completely.  This directly affects our bone density and can cause us major problems later on.  If you don't take a calcium supplement make sure you are eating plenty of calcuim in them.  Here are some examples: Hard cheese, sardines, tofu, milk, anchovies, almonds, milk chocolate (this is my personal favorite one), most stuff made with milk, spinach, yogurt, breads and broccoli.  If you take a supplement make sure it has magnesium in it too as magnesium helps our bodies properly process the calcium.  So, if you decide to get a snack, grab some broccoli and milk chocolate and enjoy :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Really cool article if you can make sense of it

So, I had a friend tell me to read this article, so I did, then I went back to the person and asked them to interpret.  I should have recorded the interpretation but I did not.  So you will have to interpret it yourself :)  The conclusion pretty much sums it up but I love that there is research and studies to back it all up!  Enjoy!!!

Biomed Article on Frankincense and Cancer/Tumors

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unresponsive tumor?

I had a tumor friend email me recently and ask me some questions that I just didn't have the answers to, so I am opening it up to my readers to help!  Here we go:

Do you know anyone that has a tumor that is nonresponsive to medication? 
Do you know the implications of a nonresponsive tumor?
Do you have any info or articles on this?

Any takers???


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