As many of you know, I am very passionate about natural healthcare. I have been horrible at updating this blog and I apologize for that. 2 babies and building a business from the ground up have taken most of my time. I am however feeling amazing and have good control of my tumor. Last blood tests were around 63 and going down RAPIDLY. Anyway, I wanted to take the time to invite you to a Webinar that I am teaching on natural healthcare. I will be sharing my tumor story and how we have taken control of our healthcare using essential oils. Here are the instructions! I hope to see you there!
Please join
Medicine Cabinet Makeover Webinar
- Date and Time:
- Meeting Wall:
- US Toll Number:
- MeetingID:
- May 06 2013 07:00 PM - (US/Mountain)
- (530) 881-1212
- 929-540-834
At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial into the conference line. When prompted, enter the meeting ID, followed by the pound key. To join the online meeting, click on the meeting link listed above, then press "Join". On the next page, complete your name and email address, then press "Submit". The system will guide you through the process of downloading the meeting dashboard to participate in the online meeting.