Monday, June 3, 2013

Facebook Group

I have started a group on facebook called Prolactinoma and Natural Healthcare.  If you haven't noticed, I am horrible at updating my blog, but I am hoping this group can be a solution to this :)  I am much much better about FB for some reason.  I think part of it has to do with being able to update in a short brief way when I have time instead of having to make time to write a massive blog post since I haven't made time in FOREVER!  Ha ha!  The second reason for this group is that I am planning on some pretty major diet/regime changes coming up soon and I am going to need some love, support and I would love to have any and all of you join me if you are feeling up to it ;)  As many of you know, I have been able to control my tumor with essential oils and I am looking to really get rid of this thing.  I have no idea if what I am planning on will work, but I believe it will bring me closer to it and it WILL make me a healthier person, so it is a win for me either way!  Here is the link just in case: .  Hope to see you there!


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