Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I got a call from the Doc!

I got a call from the doc!  My mri results are in and (drum roll please)...... My tumor is 1.2 cm!  Now, my first thoughts were not happy ones I will admit.  I thought for sure it would have shrunk and was just expecting it.  I looked over at my husband (the doc was on speaker phone) and he was actually grinning!  I was shocked and mad that he seemed happy with the news.  Anyway, after a second or two of silence the doc asked me a very interesting question.

He asked, "have you had surgery since your last MRI?"

Whoa, hold on....Maybe I better back up a second....Since I broke up w/ my obgyn last November I have been seeing my pediatrician.  When I mean seeing, I mean when I go in for check-ups on my baby I ask him to write me a note so I can get a blood lab done or an MRI.  I have not been good at keeping him up to date on me and my condition.  He know very little about my tumor other than I have one and he has seen my blood results and that is it.  I realize this is my fault and is not a good thing!  BAD SHYANNE!!!!   I forget that doctors can be helpful and can be concerned if you find a good one.  I had such a bad taste in my mouth after the specialists and my last obgyn that I have kept my pediatrician in the dark!!!  (and he is great by the way!)  My pediatrician probably doesn't know what he has gotten into w/ me and my tumor!  haha!

Anyway, back to his question, "have you had surgery since your last MRI?"

I said, "No, why do you ask???"

He said, "Well, it looks different.  It is the same size, but it looks like you have had surgery or something and it has grown back or that it was at one time bigger and been cut back."

I said, "is that a good thing."

He said, "I don't know....we need to talk."  Meaning that I will probably get a cussing for keeping him and all the specialists and everyone else but my blog readers, friends and family in the dark!

So, I set up an appt. w/ his receptionist for next week when I get back from my vacation.  It will be good to see the MRI scans for myself and be able to talk to him in depth now that I have had time to mull over what he told me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I just found your blog! Love it! You sound so much like myself. Can wait to read more :)



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